I have an amzing set up in my garage at home. You park your car, I open the garage door, you walk in, see the hole on your left, garage door closes, you get close and notice my open mouth waiting for your cock. you walk on over, unzip and I go to work.
you leave extremely satisfied and happy.
photo is of my cock. if you're into it, you can suck it too.

Yes, that is a hot cock and I would drain it easily if it came through your GH. We should visit each others' GHs. Mine in Tucson is like that, wood wall with an oval hole.
I live in a duplex condo with a garage underneath and your method seems like my only option. I've gone as far as getting a sheet of plywood, trimming it to fit, cutting in an oval hole, then cutting it in two so it will pack away better and be more discreet. I can operate the garage door with a remote, leave the garage door open 4-6" inches so I can hear the feeder drive in, then let them close and open the garage door with the button do that they have the safety and comfort of being able to operate the door. I'm not sure if it's ethical but I would like to mount up to 3 video cameras (bottom view,side view and top view). The biggest drawback is the neighbors seeming guys coming in and out of my garage using this system. Yes, I do care.
Do you mean Santa NM?